Gary Hanson started his career with the Cleveland Orchestra in 1988, and has held numerous positions. Now, after nearly 30 years, he says it's time to hand the job over to a new person. Hanson says one of his biggest challenges has been keeping pace with a rapidly changing audience that isn't so interested in buying season tickets.
HANSON: The desire of younger generations to subscribe to anything other than their cell phone contract has greatly diminished from previous generations. What people care about now is choice, and the ability to make a last-minute decision.(:16)
During Gary Hanson's tenure, the Cleveland Orchestra developed programs to attract younger audiences, and further broadened its base through local neighborhood residencies, as well as regular stints in Miami and Europe. Hanson also oversaw a major renovation to the Orchestra's home at Severance Hall. He plans to leave his present post in October 2015, allowing plenty of time for the search for his successor.