“The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” brought a new installment to a beloved series, six years after the last game. It broke sales records and became the best-selling Zelda game to date.
And it wasn’t the only blockbuster game this year. Marvel’s “Spider-man 2,” “Final Fantasy 16,” “Diablo 4,” and “Super Mario Wonder” were released this year as well. Alongside the blockbusters, the cozy gaming trend brought indie games to the forefront.
But at the 2023 Game Awards, the big winner was “Baldur’s Gate 3” — scoring five awards, including game of the year. The role-playing Dungeons & Dragons game was the latest in the series and a huge hit, thanks to its complex story and characters.
We recap the year in video games and check in with Adam Smith, lead writer on “Baldur’s Gate 3.”
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