Since the consent decree between the City of Cleveland and the US Department of Justice was announced on Tuesday, it's been unclear just how much it's going to cost to reform the city's police department.
The mayor has met with foundations and private businesses to ask for financial assistance. One place he's not likely to get any extra money is Columbus.
The funding of police departments is a local responsibility.
Tim Keen is Ohio's Director of the Office of Budget and Management. He spoke Thursday at the Cleveland City Club.
KEEN: We can be supportive. We can offer certain program support, certain financial support but the costs of local policing are primarily now and will continue to be a local funding responsibility.
Keen said there is an amendment going through the legislature to fund recommendations made by the governor's Task Force on Community Police Relations. He said those monies will help police departments throughout Ohio. The legislature is expected to finalize a two year budget by the end of June.