One of the points shared during the show was how poverty can hit anyone, from single parents to veterans….even those with advanced education.
Amy Hanauer, Executive Director of Policy Matters Ohio, says her research indicates that.
“If you look at the low-wage Ohioans -- people earning under $10 an hour in Ohio -- 84 percent of them have at least a high school degree, and 43 percent have some college," explains Hanauer. "That’s people earning less than ten dollars and that is a BIG difference from a generation ago.”
Single mom Natasha Wynn works at Taco Bell and its not enough to get her above the poverty line but she’s advancing in the job.
“I’m moving up to a managerial position within a year. Robin’s doing well, she’s two. She’s starting Head Start next month. But it’s still a struggle because I’m only making $1.25 more than what I was before.”
Nationally, there are 10 million people working who are below the federal poverty level.