The first statewide television ad from Ed FitzGerald takes a populist tone.
"I'm Ed FitzGerald and I think it's time Ohio starts working for working people," says the candidate. "As Governor, I'll create jobs by helping businesses grow, restore cuts to firefighters, police and teachers. Let's start supporting the middle class for a change, not just the wealthy few, because Ohio was meant for all of us."
FitzGerald says the inspiration for his ad came from his interaction with Ohioans from around the state.
"Basically what they tell us is they keep hearing from John Kasich that the economy is fantastic and it doesn't feel fantastic to them. And they really feel like, when they look at the last four years, that the Governor's priorities are not in the best interest of middle class families."
That's not the takeaway Chris Schrimpf of the Ohio Republican Party has when he sees FitzGerald's new ad.
"I felt kind of like I was watching a Seinfeld episode," says Schrimpf. "There was a lot of words and a lot of talking but at the end, it was about nothing. And that's because Ed FitzGerald has no record or sound policy proposals for Ohio."
On the same day that FitzGerald's first ad starts on television stations, the Ohio Republican Party unveiled a new website that sounds as if it could belong to FitzGerald: "" which Schrimpf says will feature negative news stories and editorials about FitzGerald and his policies.
Meanwhile, Ed FitzGerald's official campaign website is actually "".