Because of WCLV's wall-to-wall coverage of the 2013 Cleveland International Piano Competition, a few of WCLV's programs will either change time or not be heard during the course of the Competition. The most obvious change is that the weekday Symphony at Seven becomes Symphony at Seven at Six. On Sunday, August 4, The Dennis Lewin Radio Program will start at its regular time but will end at 2:30 PM. The Cleveland Orchestra on the Radio broadcast on Sunday, August 4, starts at 5:30 PM and runs to 7:30. This will be the Orchestra's concert performance of Richard Strauss' Salome, a broadcast that will compensate for the lack of an opera on Saturday afternoon the 3rd. On Sunday the 11th, due to the Winner's Recital live from Severance Hall, The Cleveland Orchestra on the Radio will begin at 4:45 PM. From the Top will be heard only on Sunday morning at 9:00.The Score, normally heard Saturdays at 11:00 AM, will be cancelled on August 3rd.
WCLV's regular programming schedule returns Monday, August 12th.