The sponsor of both bills, Democratic Rep. Bob Hagan, says one would allow lawmakers to approve use of medical marijuana in Ohio. He says the other would allow lawmakers to put a complete legalization of marijuana, much like Colorado has, on the ballot. Hagan says he’s proposed similar legislation before that lawmakers have rejected. But this time around, he says recent polls show time is on his side.
HAGAN: "I would think that if people start to see that 73 percent of Ohioans do want to legalize the medicinal use of marijuana, 52 percent of Americans believe legalization of marijuana itself should happen, and that their constituents would say to them, 'Vote the right way and do it now.'"
Hagan says he’s hopeful his bills will spark a discussion about the topic in the Ohio legislature. Hagan says new money generated from legalizing marijuana would go a long way toward helping to fund schools and local governments.