Cuyahoga County's Board of Elections voted to ask the county prosecutor's office to investigate 14 people who have submitted multiple voter registration cards at the request of ACORN. The Cleveland chapter of the national nonprofit is under investigation for alleged voter registration fraud. Four other names were submitted for investigation last week.
"I'm very confident of the process and procedures we have in place and what we're catching is some false registration cards that we can refer to the prosecutor's office for appropriate action," said Board President Jeff Hastings.
The Board of Elections says ACORN submitted nearly 72,000 registration cards since January. Of those, 14 percent raised concerns for elections workers. Most of those problem cards were missing information and were thus never registered. Others were too young to vote. And many had incorrect addresses; those voters can cast provisional ballots if they show up to the polls. Hastings says the Board has now identified all of the problem ACORN registrations.
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