The report comes from economic analyst George Zeller, who crunched Labor Department and employment numbers to determine that Ohio has lost nearly 225,000 jobs in the past eight years.
That's more than 4.2% of all jobs.
If the number seems familiar, it's because other surveys have made `estimates' about the job losses - but Zeller says his because of the time lag in reporting, this is a definitive statistical account of Ohio's suffering jobs market.
Cuyahoga County in particular was hard hit, a full 10% of it's jobs since 2000 - eliminated.
The impact, says Zeller - comes to more than one Billion dollars.
GEORGE ZELLER: "That's one $Billion less circulating in the ecoomy. That spills over into retail trade that spills over into many other industries in our economy."
Losses Damage to the economy was were spread across the state, and across many industries, but with manufacturing, the state's largest employment sector, taking the brunt.
The only industries Zeller says added jobs were Social Assistance and Health Care. But even in health care Cuyahoga County was below the state average in the percentage increase in jobs.
Finally, the report shows that as every urban area declines, many counties adjacent to core cities continue to add jobs, but not at a rate to offset what's being lost.
Governor Strickland said as recently as Monday that Ohio is doing better than some states - but acknowledges that the recovery, even if it begins now - is going to be neither easy, or quick.
GOVERNOR STRICKLAND: "This national economy is in serious trouble and it is having a dramatic effect on all of the states and Ohio's included."
Ohio's Department of Jobs and Family Services has corroborated Zeller's findings - it's own report last month listed total NONFARM payroll employment across the state down by 200,000 jobs, or more than 3.6%, also since 2000.