For decades, train tracks, highways and huge piles of iron ore and stone have made a good part of the Lake Erie shore into a people-unfriendly place. Late last year, the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port authority proposed a way to free-up some space by moving its 80-acre shipping facility from directly north of downtown to a new location near East 55th street. But, such a move could have a major impact on the people and businesses near the new site, so a public hearing on the plan will be held this evening.
NED HILL: I think this should just be step one.
Cleveland State Economic Development expert Ned Hill says it's going to take a long planning process to make such a complicated move.
NED HILL: Turning around cities and engaging in long-term, complicated public works projects means that you're signing up for a twenty-year passage of time.
You can judge the plan for yourself, Tuesday night, February 19th, from 6:30 to 8:30 at the St. Phillip Neri Community Center on East 82nd street, near St. Clair.