Stephen O'Bryan represents K&S Parking Company, whose parking lot is one of the properties in the dispute. O'Bryan called Developer Scott Wolstein, who wants the property for a $230 million waterfront development, a wolf in sheep's clothing. He said the port's bid to acquire it by eminent domain on Wolstein's behalf is illegal.
Port lawyer Steve Kaufman says the name calling and innuendos must stop. Kaufman says the port needs all the individual properties to complete the project and prevent more blight in the district.
Steve Kaufman: You need to create one footprint that allows you to put all those improvements in that gives you all those public purposes. And you can't do a piece of it and get the neighborhood. You can do a piece of it and get all the riverfront.
In the trial's first phase, Judge John E. Corrigan says in order for eminent domain to apply the port must show that the land will be used for a public purpose, and the port and landowners have reached an impasse on price. Former Mayor Jane Campbell and Developer Scott Wolstein are expected to take the stand. Tasha Flournoy, 90.3.