Before the end of this evening, Phillips-Osborne school in Painesville and the Andrews School for Girls in Willoughby could be on their way to becoming the Andrews Phillip-Osborne School. The Andrews School, which boards junior and high school girls from around the country and the world, has suffered from lagging local enrollment in recent years. And while there is some concern about the school turning coed, Director of Admissions at the school Kristina Dooley says a merger with the Phillips-Osborne will not only save the Andrews School from closing, it will create a continuous system of education from early childhood through high school that is lacking in Lake County.
Kristina Dooley: With curriculum that's really planned out where we have 2nd and 3rd grade teachers talking about what they're teaching with 7th and 8th grade teachers and that way they can really plan and say - what are our outcomes?
The boards of the two schools will vote tonight on the merger. If it's approved, students from both schools could be sharing hallways by the fall of 2008.