See Also: The Sound of Ideas, Oct. 26, 2006
Intelligent Design holds that life on earth is so complex that there must be an intelligent designer involved in life's creation. Over the past four years, the Ohio Board of Education has wrestled with whether this idea should be included in Ohio biology classes along with Darwinian Evolutionary Theory.
The Board voted against the idea twice this year. Now three board seats are up for re-election. One is that of seven-year board member Deborah Owens-Fink, who says supporters of evolution are attempting to limit what children can learn.
Deborah Owens-Fink: They don't want students to know about the problems in the theory. That is not true science and I'm opposed to that.
Fink's democratic challenger Tom Sawyer, former congressman and one-time Mayor of Akron, has been endorsed by 75 science professors at Case Western Reserve. He says Board of Education members like Fink are moving Ohio backwards.
Tom Sawyer: Deborah has been the prime architect behind obstructing divisive debate over evolution completely misrepresenting the true nature of scientific inquiry, making Ohio the object of ridicule.
Lisa Ann Pinkerton, 90.3.