Poll workers typically ask people showing up to cast ballots if they're U.S. citizens, but the new allowed them to ask whether someone is a native citizen or a naturalized one, and if they are naturalized, to ask them to produce their naturalization papers.
Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, who's running for governor, had previously suggested the law was probably unenforceable. His office had requested more time to defend the rule, but was denied, and yesterday attorneys for the AG agreed that the rule was unconstitutional and did not challenge the suit.
Subohd Chandra, lawyer for the plaintiffs, praised the attorney general for backing off, but chastised the state legislature and the governor.
Subohd Chandra: How is it that the general assembly passes such an offensive law, and how is it that the governor signs such an offensive law? Thank heavens for the courts that can protect all of our rights against this kind of encroachment.
Bill Rice, 90.3.