Nanotechnology is a relatively new manufacturing process that creates complex machines at the molecular level. They're already in use in medicine to create drugs that target tumors. They're also used to help improve the interface between bone and metal in applications like hip implants. This week, the Cleveland Clinic will be one of the sponsors for a national nanotech conference. Clinic Biomedical Engineer Shuvo Roy says the aim is to create new healthcare applications.
Shuvo Roy: To bring the leading clinicians, the leading biomedical researchers, the leading nanotechnology scientists together to talk about the latest advances exist in nanotechnology and MEMS and see what opportunities exist to translate the latest nanotechnology solutions to medicine.
Roy says he's also hoping to see new spin-off companies emerge to create the new devices. A second conference taking place Tuesday in Lorain County will focus on ways nanotechnology can help manufacturing become more efficient and profitable. Karen Schaefer, 90.3.