About half of the debate was taken up by the war in Iraq, and to a lesser degree the war on terror. Senator DeWine backed the Republican position that the U.S. set out do do a job in Iraq and shouldn't leave until Iraqis can maintain a stable government. At the same time he tried to distance himself from the decision-making that led to the 2003 invasion. Numerous times he drew attention to Brown's voting record, trying to paint Brown as out of touch with not only voters, but even the Democratic Party - on Iraq and other issues.
Mike DeWine: Many, many times his votes have been in the minority even of his own party... he is to the left of his own party and not in the mainstream of Ohio.
Brown accused DeWine of wanting to maintain the status quo in a strategy for Iraq that isn't working. He said he's not for pulling out immediately, and also wants to leave behind a stable Iraq. But he said Iraqis need to be pushed harder to take control, and suggested a deadline of a year and a half to tow years. On economic issues, Brown accused DeWine favoring big corporations over citizens and small businesses.
Sherrod Brown: Mike DeWine has supported every time these trader agreements and tax bills that give incentives to big corporations.
Brown said DeWine's votes overwhelmingly supported President Bush's policies until only just recently, while he had a greater record of independence when Bill Clinton was president. DeWine pointed to instances where he was able to work with Democrats to get legislation passed. Bill Rice, 90.3.